The ugly truth about the beauty industry is that its one of the worst culprits when it comes to plastic pollution. Our companies mission is to limit not only our own impact on the environment, but others too. With this in mind we are so pleased to announce the launch of our new Environ Recycling Scheme which aims to reduce the amount of Environ containers that end up in landfill sites.
Many Councils are unable to recycle beauty packaging because it often contains mixed materials and elements that cause contamination. If its put in the standard recycling bin, its often rejected at a later stage in the process. To overcome this we have launched an initiative to help you dispose of Environ empties in an eco-friendly manner. At Opal Rooms Beauty Spa in Liverpool we will also be giving customers £1 off their next purchase when they bring back an empty Environ bottle. We will also be collecting other cosmetic bottles which can added to the Environ recycling to be sent to a specialist firm who will re-purpose the products into secondary products.
Did you know: 120 billion units of non-recyclable packaging are produced every year by the global cosmetics industry. While 90% of us recycle kitchen waste. 50% don’t recycle bathroom rubbish such as shampoo, moisturiser and body lotion bottles, so 2.7 billion plastic bottles hit landfill every year! The world wildlife foundation estimates that we consume a credit card sized amount of plastic every week due to food chain contamination.
Opal Rooms Beauty Spa in Liverpool in still closed due to Covid 19 however the retail shop and recycling scheme remains open. Contact us for more information: info@opalroomsbeautyspa.com